42nd Annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference / 23nd Annual WIN Assembly
April 22-25, 2009
Salt Lake City Hilton Downtown – Salt Lake City, Utah
“Networks in Nursing Science: Creating our Future”
The Western Institute of Nursing (WIN) will hold its 42nd Annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference on April 22 - 25, 2009 at the Salt Lake City Hilton Downtown – Salt Lake City, Utah. WIN cordially invites you to submit an abstract in research, project or theoretical/conceptual format to be considered for presentation at the conference. Papers may be presented in podium, poster, or symposium sessions.
Submission Deadline
Materials must be received by WIN by 5:00 PM on Wednesday, October 15, 2008. No extensions
will be granted. Acknowledgement that materials arrived on time will be sent via email.
Submission Format
All abstracts, not to exceed one page, are to be submitted via WIN’s on-line abstract submission site.
Links to the submission sites are located on the bottom of the flyer.
Abstract Selection and Notification
The Program Committee will meet in early December 2008 to review and select abstracts and to
finalize the conference program and schedule. The Program Committee will assign the time and date of
presentation for each podium, symposium, and poster abstract on the conference schedule. The
Program Committee reserves the right to accept abstracts as a podium or poster presentation.
If your abstract is accepted for presentation, you will be notified by email of your presentation date and
time. This notice is sent to the contact person for each symposium and to the presenting author of each
individual podium or poster session. If the study has more than one author, the contact person is asked
to share the information with the other author(s).
(See section on “Information After Abstracts Are Selected” below for more details about procedures
following the selection process.)
Conference Registration
Members of WIN receive a registration fee discount. Individuals may join WIN at the time of
registering for the conference to take advantage of the discount.
If the primary author is unable to attend the conference and has made arrangements for someone else
to present the paper or poster, that person must register for the conference and pay the applicable
registration fee.
The conference schedule and registration form will be available in January 2009 on WIN’s website
(www.winursing.org). The registration form will list the conference registration fees.
Podium Session
A podium session is a session consisting of presentations of completed research, completed projects,
methodology papers and/or theory development/conceptual analysis papers. There are two kinds of
podium sessions:
• Individual Papers Podium Session: Consists of papers on similar or related topics grouped together
by the Program Committee from abstracts accepted for presentation.
• Symposium Podium Session: Consists of an overview abstract and three (minimum) to five
(maximum) abstracts, and is organized by the submitters to present a set of planned papers related
to a specific topic. Methodological and theoretical papers may be included in addition to completed
research and/or completed project papers. Research results or project outcomes must be described
in these latter abstracts. The symposium overview is not counted in the 3-5 abstracts but will be
allotted time for presentation on the conference schedule. The number of presenters should be
equal to the number of papers in the symposium, excluding the overview.
Poster Session
A poster session is a visual display of work completed or in-progress. In-progress work will be
considered only for poster presentations. Individual abstracts and symposium abstracts are eligible for
poster sessions. Symposiums will be allocated one poster space for each presenter, plus the overview.
WIN will provide 4’ X 8’ posters boards for poster displays. Tables will not be available.
Abstracts of all papers should reflect or include:
■ Internal consistency of purpose/aims and methods;
■ Clarity of presentation;
■ Implications and significance of the study/project/theory for the discipline and nursing practice.
In addition, the Program Committee will use the following specific criteria when selecting abstracts for
podium or poster sessions:
■ Research papers (including instrument development and other methodological studies)*:
■ Purposes/Aims
■ Rationale/Conceptual Basis/Background
■ Methods
■ Results
■ Implications
■ Theory Development/Concept Analysis papers:
■ Purposes/Aims
■ Description of theory or definition of concept to be discussed
■ Internal consistency of the theory developed; concept analysis approach or process used
■ Logic linking the theory or concept to nursing practice or research problem
■ Conclusions, including a statement about the utility of the theory or concept for nursing
practice or research.
■ Project papers
■ Purposes/Aims
■ Rationale/Background
■ Brief description of the undertaking, including the approach, methods, or process used
■ Outcomes achieved/documented
■ Conclusions, emphasizing implications for clinical or educational practices, and
recommendations for research or future undertakings
*A word about Literature Reviews as Research:
On occasion, abstracts of literature reviews have been submitted. The abstract reviewers have generally
not accepted the abstracts since they have lacked scientific merit. To assist abstract submitters, the
Program Committee offers this additional information:
• Meta-Analysis involves calculation of a summary statistic (effect size) across empirical studies
with the same design (RCTs, descriptive or epi) and research questions.
• Literature Review does not involve calculation of a summary statistic but is based on the
reviewers’ conclusions/opinions about the quality, grade or level of evidence across empirical
studies. Abstracts for literature reviews must demonstrate a systematic review and include search
• Meta-Synthesis is used to describe the evaluation of research findings (meta-interpretation),
research methods (meta-method), or theoretical frameworks (meta-theory) across qualitative
The methods you used and the results need to be clearly presented as with any research abstract
consistent with forms of literature review listed above.
■ The paper has not been presented or accepted for presentation at a regional or national meeting
or accepted for publication by the abstract submission deadline.
■ Research, projects, and theory development/concept analysis undertakings must be completed
by the abstract submission deadline to be eligible for podium presentation either as individual
papers or as part of a symposium. Papers that include statements such as “results will be
presented” or “data will be analyzed” or “outcomes will be described” will not be
considered for podium presentations. However, these papers will automatically be
considered for poster presentation.
■ In-progress research or projects are eligible for poster presentation. Completed research,
projects, and theory development/concept analysis papers are also eligible for poster
Please note: Only those submissions which fully comply with the instructions will be reviewed.
All completed applications received by 5:00 PM on Wednesday, October 15, 2008 will be
independently and blindly reviewed by the Program Committee and WIN member volunteers.
Selection of abstracts for presentation at the Annual Research Conference will be based on scientific
Abstract Submission Form
WIN is utilizing an on-line abstract for submissions in 2008. The link to the on-line form is at the end
of this document.
Abstract Preparation
1. Selection Criteria
ALL ABSTRACTS should address the appropriate selection criteria (Please refer to “Selection
Criteria” on page 3.)
2. Content
As appropriate for the abstract, including research, project or theory development/concept analysis
projects, the Program Committee asks that you include content related to the specific implications
and significance of the study for the discipline of nursing and how the results can be implemented
in practice.
3. Format
● Abstracts will be uploaded in Word (.doc) file format.
● Length/Format: The abstract shall not exceed one page, single-sided, and shall be formatted in
portrait orientation (8 ½” X 11”).
● Margins: Use only the following margin settings: Top: 0.375”; Bottom: 0.5”; Left: 1.25”; and
Right: 1.125”.
● Type Styles: Use letter quality, 12 point size type. The preferred type face is Times New
Roman, but others will be accepted.
● Titles: Abstract titles should be centered and in upper case letters and may not exceed 75
● Authors: If there is only one author, center the author’s name, degree(s), title, department,
organization, city, and state under the title of the paper. If there are three or more authors,
alternate names as shown below. Do not abbreviate and do not include zip code or telephone
number. You may include your email address if you would like readers to be able to contact
you about your paper. ALL individuals involved in the study must be listed.
● Grant: IF the study was supported in full or in part by a grant, cite the grant number and
granting organization at the end of the abstract. In addition, for symposium presentations, cite
the grant number and granting organization for any papers supported in full or in part by a
● References: References are optional. Use a standard format for references. APA format is
A sample of the paper format is found below.
(centered, upper case)
Name of First Author, Degree(s)
City, State (expressed as two letters, e.g., “OR”, rather than “Oregon”) (No Zip Code)
Name of Second Author, Degree(s) Name of Third Author, Degree(s)
Title Title
Department Department
Organization Organization
City, State (no zip code) City, State (no zip code)
Begin abstract.
If appropriate, footnote the study funding at the end of the abstract
4. Symposium Submissions
Symposium submissions must include an overview that sets the stage for the symposium.
Information common to all papers, such as a model and introductory comments, should be
incorporated into the overview. The abstracts should not repeat the information contained in the
Abstracts for each paper in the symposium are to be submitted as separate forms. The maximum
number of abstracts for a symposium is five, plus the overview. Authors should follow the format
instructions listed above.
5. CE Application Information: We collect the needed information for the CE application form for
accepted abstracts only. You will be notified via email with instructions. There are two forms: 1)
Objectives/Content Grid: When you submit your abstract, there are fields in which you are asked
to: provide one objective for each paper; specify the related content; and give information on the
presentation methods you will use if your paper is selected for presentation. A sample of an
objectives/content grid is located below. We are also providing some guidelines to assist you in
preparing the objective(s)/content; and 2) Bioform: The CE application process requires that we
have each author sign and return a Bioform with a Conflict of Interest acknowledgement and
signature. The CE documents will be made available online after submitters are notified about
whether their abstracts have been accepted for presentation. It will take less than 5 minutes to
complete the form, so please do not delay. Your abstract submission will not be considered
complete until the signed Bioforms from all presenters in your symposium are returned to WIN.
Individuals who are notified that their abstracts have been accepted for presentation as completed
research have two opportunities to have their papers considered for an award. Those interested in being
considered either for the Carol A. Lindeman Award for a New Researcher or the Pat A. Perry Award
for Biological Research should check the appropriate button on the WIN on-line abstract submission
Individuals who wish to be considered for the awards and who have their abstracts accepted for
presentation will submit a paper of up to five pages on the competed research by the deadline of
Friday, January 23, 2009. The papers being submitted must not have been accepted for presentation at
a regional or national meeting or for publication. The papers for the Lindeman Award will be reviewed
by the Program Committee, which will make the selection of an award recipient. The papers for the
Perry Award will be reviewed by the Pat A. Perry Award Selection Committee, which will make the
selection of an award recipient. Further instructions regarding the awards will be sent with the
notification of acceptance of the abstract for presentation at the 2009 conference.
Carol A. Lindeman Award for a New Researcher
Candidates for consideration as a recipient of the Carol A. Lindeman Award for a New Researcher
1. Be a new researcher (defined as a graduate student) or a nurse researcher no more than two years
post highest degree;
2. Have assumed primary responsibility for conceptualization, design and conduct for the report
studied; and
3. Have an abstract for completed research selected by the Program Committee for podium
presentation or as part of a symposium.
Pat A. Perry Award for Biological Nursing Research
Candidates for consideration as a recipient of the Award for Biological Nursing Research must:
1. Be a doctoral student, post-doctoral fellow or nurse researcher not more than two years post
doctoral degree;
2. Have assumed primary responsibility for the conceptualization, design and conduct of the study
3. Have conducted a study dealing with biological phenomenon, preferably basic science questions;
4. Have an abstract for the completed research selected by the Program Committee for a podium
In general, each abstract in a podium session is allotted 10 minutes for presentation, with 5 minutes for
audience questions. Posters will be on display for an entire morning or an entire afternoon. Presenters
are asked to be available for the time designated in the conference schedule.
Conference Brochures and Registration Form:
Abstracts accepted for podium or poster presentation will be listed in the program schedule posted to
the WIN website and handed out at the conference. The program schedule and registration form will be
available on the WIN Website in January 2009.
The onsite program will include the specific time for each abstract presentation, the name of the
moderator for each session and meeting room assignments. Abstracts may list multiple study authors.
The conference brochures will list a maximum of two authors with an asterisk to indicate that
additional authors will be listed with the abstract in the conference proceedings.
All abstracts for podium, symposium and poster sessions accepted by the Program Committee will be
printed in the Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference/23rd
Annual WIN Assembly or included in a CD/DVD of the document. We are investigating a less
expensive way of distributing the proceedings beginning in 2009. The proceedings will also include
the invited plenary session addresses, the paper by the Distinguished Research Lecturer, and the papers
by the recipients of the Carol A. Lindeman Award for a New Researcher and the Pat A. Perry Award
for Biological Nursing Research. The proceedings will not be copyrighted. You may publish your
paper elsewhere. However, we request that you include a notation that the paper was presented at the
42nd Annual Communicating Nursing Research Conference of the Western Institute of Nursing.
When submitters receive word about the Program Committee decision regarding the abstract and its
schedule, a confirmation form will be sent asking submitters to affirm their participation. We ask that
presenters take very seriously their commitment to present, except in cases of true emergency.
There is a charge of $60 if a presenter notifies WIN that they will not participate after the proceedings
are finalized. WIN publishes an errata sheet to be distributed with the proceedings indicating the names
of individuals and their abstract titles that appear in the book but who did not present at the conference.
Poster presenters will be required to submit a registration fee deposit of $55 no later than Friday,
January 16, 2009. The deposit will be applied to the registration fee due by February 6, 2009. The
deposit will be forfeited if the presenter fails to attend the conference and does not notify WIN in
sufficient time to cancel the poster board reserved for that individual.
Conference Hotel
The conference hotel is the Salt Lake City Hilton Downtown – Salt Lake City, Utah. Sleeping room
rates are as follows:
Type Rate
Single or double occupancy $ 149.00
Executive Level $ 179.00
Suites $ 259.00 and up
Additional Person $ 15.00
All room rates will be charged state and local taxes, fees and assessments, currently 12.67%.
Room Reservations
A personalized online group page is being developed by the Salt Lake City Hilton Hotel for WIN
conference attendees through which room reservations may be made. Please watch the WIN webpage
for information. The reservation cut-off date is Monday, March 23, 2009.
Western Institute of Nursing, SN-4N
3455 SW Veterans’ Hospital Road
Portland, OR 97239-2941
Phone: 503-494-0869; FAX: 503-494-3691; Email: win@ohsu.edu; Website: www.winursing.org
To submit an individual abstract for Podium or Poster presentation, use this link:
For symposium submissions, use this link:
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